Our Doctor

Dr. Jason M. Bongiovanni

Dr. Bongiovanni is committed to providing you with the latest and best quality chiropractic care in his state-of-the-art facility, here in Alpharetta, Georgia. A graduate of Life University in Marietta, Georgia, Dr. Bongiovanni has spent most of his practicing years treating conditions associated with sports related injuries.

Dr. Bongiovanni has worked with numerous professional and world-class athletes and was the Official Team Chiropractic Physician for the NHL, Buffalo Sabres for 8 years as well as the Official Chiropractor for the NASL Atlanta Silverbacks. He is a member of The Chiropractic Association for the Care of Elite and Professional Athletes (CEPA), an organization dedicated to the inclusion of chiropractic care as a standard part of the multidisciplinary integrated approach of collegiate and professional sports organizations. Dr. Bongiovanni is also a member of Professional Sports Care (PSC), the only PGA endorsed program for the analysis, treatment and corrective protocol for the professional golfer.

Dr. Bongiovanni is Board certified and licensed in Georgia for Chiropractic care, Physiotherapy and Chiropractic Radiology and is the only licensed ARP Wave doctor in the Atlanta area. tag heuer monaco ls calibre 12 replica replica versace watchturkish watch replicas hublot mp-05 laferrari replica for saleamazon rolex replica where to buy fake watches